Letting Go

September 2021

As the darkness creeps in, you may find yourself mourning the loss of the long, sun-drenched days of summer.  Remember though, without dark there can be no light.  Don’t shy away from looking at your shadow side.  Instead, make the most of the cooler weather and shorter days to turn inward and go underground (within yourself), to harvest the strength and freedom that come from facing the darker aspects of yourself.  There’s that quote you may have heard that often shows up around this time.

“The trees are about to show us how beautiful it is to let things go.” 

Take some time to be alone, grab your journal, light a candle, get quiet and ask yourself if there are any things and/or people that you would do better to let go.  Easier said than done!  Be courageous in recognizing that certain relationships may be unsuitable or that your job isn’t leading you where you want to go.  Now is also the time to plant ideas and let them live dormant, underground, until spring comes and you feel more clear about the action you may wish to take.  Let them grow in their own time.

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